


Let your recipient get lost in reverie with these blue-tinted Roses and the lingering smell of Casanblanca Lilies. This lush bouquet is sure to brighten any celebration.

3 lilies and 12 blue-tinted roses with a good mix of Eustomas, fillers and foliages.

Lilies may come in various bloom stages.

Take your gift up a notch by adding a bottle.

None Valdo Rose Brut Vino Spumante 750ml +RM338.00 Cono Sur Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml +RM108.00 Michel Chapoutier Marius Rouge 2020 750ml +RM142.00

Iconic Le Berries mini cakes in an assortment flavours of the day.

None Box of 2 mini cakes +RM41.00 Box of 3 mini cakes +RM57.00 Box of 4 mini cakes +RM73.00

This item is available for order.