Florist Choice



One of our most requested bouquets as they are truly one of a kind. Featuring seasonal florist choice, each bouquet is uniquely put together using the various in-season and the freshest blooms that complement each other. Wraps will be minimal to give focus to the natural beauty of the flowers.

Images are for reference only. Your bunch could be made entirely of different blooms depending on what flowers are in season. If you have a particular request for what to include in your bouquet, please get in touch with us. 

Take your gift up a notch by adding a bottle.

None Valdo Rose Brut Vino Spumante 750ml +RM338.00 Cono Sur Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml +RM108.00 Michel Chapoutier Marius Rouge 2020 750ml +RM142.00

Iconic Le Berries mini cakes in an assortment flavours of the day.

None Box of 2 mini cakes +RM41.00 Box of 3 mini cakes +RM57.00 Box of 4 mini cakes +RM73.00

This item is available for order.